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Instance is not healthy but the deployment shows as succeeded


In an ECS deployment, the UI shows "successfully deployed" but fails health-check fail 5 seconds later. Health checks are fail but the application still shows as being deployed.The following stage for example is being utilized:

  "completeOtherBranchesThenFail": true,
"dependsOn": [],
"executionOptions": {
"successful": true
"failPipeline": false,
"name": "Deploy app Stack [dev, ........",
"stageTimeoutMs": 900000,
"type": "deploy"

The pipeline completes as succeeded but in the server group logs there are messages for failures (service unhealthy).


Ideally, the deployment should only succeed if the underlying service/task is healthy. This issue is currently being investigated further by Armory Engineering.

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Today, March 16, 1:37am

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